
Digital Humanities Projects

Here are a couple of the collaborative digital humanities projects I’ve facilitated and organized with my classes.

Criticizing TV Class Blog

This one is a shared blog created with my online Criticizing Television students in the summer of 2022. It features several essays in which students cite both academic sources and one another in their analyses of representation, artistic innovation, and cultural implications of popular shows. It also contains a shared concept glossary of key terms; each student contributed 3-5 entries to be used as a resource by their classmates.

Converging Movements: US Civil Rights Activism and the Arts

This one is a shared website created by my spring 2023 Converging Movements: US Civil Rights Activism and the Arts class. It has over 50 entries on a collaborative timeline, “microhistories” of cultural organizing and art in Cleveland in the 1960s and 70s, students’ creative research projects, and resources for teachers.

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